nftables test cheat sheet
simplified rules to test nfqws and tpws

For DNAT :

# run tpws as user "tpws". its required to avoid loops.

nft delete table inet ztest
nft create table inet ztest
nft add chain inet ztest pre "{type nat hook prerouting priority dstnat;}"
nft add rule inet ztest pre tcp dport "{80,443}" redirect to :988
nft add chain inet ztest out "{type nat hook output priority -100;}"
nft add rule inet ztest out tcp dport "{80,443}" skuid != tpws redirect to :988

For dpi desync attack :

nft delete table inet ztest
nft create table inet ztest
nft add chain inet ztest post "{type filter hook postrouting priority mangle;}"
nft add rule inet ztest post tcp dport "{80,443}" queue num 200 bypass

show rules   : nft list table inet ztest
delete table : nft delete table inet ztest