#!/bin/sh EXEDIR="$(dirname "$0")" EXEDIR="$(cd "$EXEDIR"; pwd)" ZAPRET_BASE="$EXEDIR" [ -n "$QNUM" ] || QNUM=59780 [ -n "$TPPORT" ] || TPPORT=993 [ -n "$TPWS_UID" ] || TPWS_UID=1 [ -n "$NFQWS" ] || NFQWS="$ZAPRET_BASE/nfq/nfqws" [ -n "$TPWS" ] || TPWS="$ZAPRET_BASE/tpws/tpws" [ -n "$MDIG" ] || MDIG="$ZAPRET_BASE/mdig/mdig" [ -n "$DESYNC_MARK" ] || DESYNC_MARK=0x40000000 DOMAIN=rutracker.org CURL_MAX_TIME=5 MIN_TTL=1 MAX_TTL=12 HDRTEMP=/tmp/zapret-hdr.txt ECHON="echo -n" DNSCHECK_DNS="" DNSCHECK_DOM="pornhub.com putinhuylo.com rutracker.org nnmclub.to protonmail.com" DNSCHECK_DIG1=/tmp/dig1.txt DNSCHECK_DIG2=/tmp/dig2.txt DNSCHECK_DIGS=/tmp/digs.txt exists() { which $1 >/dev/null 2>/dev/null } killwait() { # $1 - signal (-9, -2, ...) # $2 - pid kill $1 $2 # suppress job kill message wait $2 2>/dev/null } exitp() { local A echo echo press enter to continue read A exit $1 } read_yes_no() { # $1 - default (Y/N) local A read A [ -z "$A" ] || ([ "$A" != "Y" ] && [ "$A" != "y" ] && [ "$A" != "N" ] && [ "$A" != "n" ]) && A=$1 [ "$A" = "Y" ] || [ "$A" = "y" ] || [ "$A" = "1" ] } ask_yes_no() { # $1 - default (Y/N or 0/1) # $2 - text local DEFAULT=$1 [ "$1" = "1" ] && DEFAULT=Y [ "$1" = "0" ] && DEFAULT=N [ -z "$DEFAULT" ] && DEFAULT=N $ECHON "$2 (default : $DEFAULT) (Y/N) ? " read_yes_no $DEFAULT } ask_yes_no_var() { # $1 - variable name for answer : 0/1 # $2 - text local DEFAULT eval DEFAULT="\$$1" if ask_yes_no "$DEFAULT" "$2"; then eval $1=1 else eval $1=0 fi } require_root() { echo \* checking privileges [ $(id -u) -ne "0" ] && { echo root is required exists sudo && exec sudo "$0" exists su && exec su -c "$0" echo su or sudo not found exitp 2 } } IPT() { $IPTABLES -C "$@" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || $IPTABLES -I "$@" } IPT_DEL() { $IPTABLES -C "$@" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null && $IPTABLES -D "$@" } check_system() { echo \* checking system local UNAME=$(uname) [ "$UNAME" = "Linux" ] || { echo $UNAME not supported exitp 5 } } check_prerequisites() { echo \* checking prerequisites [ -x "$NFQWS" ] && [ -x "$TPWS" ] && [ -x "$MDIG" ] || { echo $NFQWS or $MDIG or $TPWS is not available. run $ZAPRET_BASE/install_bin.sh exitp 6 } for prog in iptables ip6tables curl; do exists $prog || { echo $prog does not exist. please install exitp 6 } done } curl_supports_tls13() { curl --tlsv1.3 -Is -o /dev/null http://$LOCALHOST_IPT:65535 2>/dev/null # return code 2 = init failed. likely bad command line options [ $? != 2 ] } hdrfile_http_code() { # $1 - hdr file sed -nre '1,1 s/^HTTP\/1\.[0,1] ([0-9]+) .*$/\1/p' "$1" } hdrfile_location() { # $1 - hdr file # some DPIs return CRLF line ending tr -d '\015' <"$1" | sed -nre 's/^[Ll][Oo][Cc][Aa][Tt][Ii][Oo][Nn]:[ \t]*([^ \t]*)[ \t]*$/\1/p' } curl_test_http() { # $1 - ip version : 4/6 # $2 - domain name local code loc curl -${1}SsD "$HDRTEMP" --max-time $CURL_MAX_TIME $CURL_OPT "http://$2" -o /dev/null 2>&1 || { code=$? rm -f "$HDRTEMP" return $code } code=$(hdrfile_http_code "$HDRTEMP") [ "$code" = 301 -o "$code" = 302 -o "$code" = 307 -o "$code" = 308 ] && { loc=$(hdrfile_location "$HDRTEMP") echo "$loc" | grep -qE "^https?://.*$2(/|$)" || echo "$loc" | grep -vqE '^https?://' || { echo suspicious redirection to : $loc rm -f "$HDRTEMP" return 254 } } rm -f "$HDRTEMP" return 0 } curl_test_https_tls12() { # $1 - ip version : 4/6 # $2 - domain name # prevent using QUIC if available in curl # do not use tls 1.3 to make sure server certificate is not encrypted curl -${1}Ss --max-time $CURL_MAX_TIME $CURL_OPT --http1.1 --tls-max 1.2 "https://$2" -o /dev/null 2>&1 } curl_test_https_tls13() { # $1 - ip version : 4/6 # $2 - domain name # prevent using QUIC if available in curl # force TLS1.3 mode curl -${1}Ss --max-time $CURL_MAX_TIME $CURL_OPT --http1.1 --tlsv1.3 --tls-max 1.3 "https://$2" -o /dev/null 2>&1 } nfqws_ipt_prepare() { # $1 - port IPT POSTROUTING -t mangle -p tcp --dport $1 -m mark ! --mark $DESYNC_MARK/$DESYNC_MARK -j NFQUEUE --queue-num $QNUM } nfqws_ipt_unprepare() { # $1 - port IPT_DEL POSTROUTING -t mangle -p tcp --dport $1 -m mark ! --mark $DESYNC_MARK/$DESYNC_MARK -j NFQUEUE --queue-num $QNUM } tpws_ipt_prepare() { # $1 - port IPT OUTPUT -t nat -p tcp --dport $1 -m owner ! --uid-owner $TPWS_UID -j DNAT --to $LOCALHOST_IPT:$TPPORT } tpws_ipt_unprepare() { # $1 - port IPT_DEL OUTPUT -t nat -p tcp --dport $1 -m owner ! --uid-owner $TPWS_UID -j DNAT --to $LOCALHOST_IPT:$TPPORT } nfqws_start() { "$NFQWS" --dpi-desync-fwmark=$DESYNC_MARK --qnum=$QNUM "$@" >/dev/null & PID=$! } tpws_start() { "$TPWS" --uid $TPWS_UID:$TPWS_UID --bind-addr=$LOCALHOST --port=$TPPORT "$@" >/dev/null & PID=$! # give some time to initialize sleep 1 } ws_kill() { [ -z "$PID" ] || { killwait -9 $PID 2>/dev/null PID= } } curl_test() { # $1 - test function # $2 - domain $1 $IPV $2 && { echo '!!!!! AVAILABLE !!!!!' return 0 } local code=$? if [ $code = 254 ]; then echo UNAVAILABLE else echo UNAVAILABLE code=$code fi return $code } ws_curl_test() { # $1 - ws start function # $2 - test function # $3 - domain # $4,$5,$6, ... - ws params local code ws_start=$1 testf=$2 dom=$3 shift shift shift $ws_start "$@" # let some time for tpws to initialize curl_test $testf $dom code=$? ws_kill return $code } tpws_curl_test() { # $1 - test function # $2 - domain # $3,$4,$5, ... - tpws params echo - checking tpws $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 ws_curl_test tpws_start "$@" } nfqws_curl_test() { # $1 - test function # $2 - domain # $3,$4,$5, ... - nfqws params echo - checking nfqws $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 ws_curl_test nfqws_start "$@" } nfqws_check_domain_bypass() { # $1 - test function # $2 - encrypted test : 1/0 # $3 - domain local strategy tests='fake' ttls s sec="$2" found [ "$sec" = 0 ] && { for s in '--hostcase' '--hostspell=hoSt' '--hostnospace' '--domcase'; do nfqws_curl_test $1 $3 $s && strategy="${strategy:-$s}" done } s="--dpi-desync=split2" if nfqws_curl_test $1 $3 $s; then strategy="${strategy:-$s}" else tests="$tests split fake,split2 fake,split" [ "$sec" = 0 ] && { s="$s --hostcase" nfqws_curl_test $1 $3 $s && strategy="${strategy:-$s}" } for pos in 1 2 4 5 10 50 100; do s="--dpi-desync=split2 --dpi-desync-split-pos=$pos" if nfqws_curl_test $1 $3 $s; then strategy="${strategy:-$s}" break else [ "$sec" = 0 ] && { s="$s --hostcase" nfqws_curl_test $1 $3 $s && strategy="${strategy:-$s}" } fi done fi s="--dpi-desync=disorder2" if nfqws_curl_test $1 $3 $s; then strategy="${strategy:-$s}" else tests="$tests disorder fake,disorder2 fake,disorder" fi ttls=$(seq -s ' ' $MIN_TTL $MAX_TTL) for desync in $tests; do found=0 for ttl in $ttls; do s="--dpi-desync=$desync --dpi-desync-ttl=$ttl" nfqws_curl_test $1 $3 $s && { found=1 strategy="${strategy:-$s}" break } done [ "$sec" = 1 ] && [ "$found" = 0 ] && { for ttl in $ttls; do s="--dpi-desync=$desync --dpi-desync-ttl=$ttl --wssize 1:6" nfqws_curl_test $1 $3 $s && { found=1 strategy="${strategy:-$s}" break } done } for fooling in badsum md5sig badseq; do s="--dpi-desync=$desync --dpi-desync-fooling=$fooling" if nfqws_curl_test $1 $3 $s ; then strategy="${strategy:-$s}" [ "$fooling" = "md5sig" ] && echo 'WARNING ! although md5sig fooling worked it will not work on all sites. it typically works only on linux servers.' else [ "$sec" = 1 ] && { s="$s --wssize 1:6" nfqws_curl_test $1 $3 $s && { strategy="${strategy:-$s}" [ "$fooling" = "md5sig" ] && echo 'WARNING ! although md5sig fooling worked it will not work on all sites. it typically works only on linux servers.' } } fi done done [ "$sec" = 1 ] && { s="--wssize 1:6" nfqws_curl_test $1 $3 $s && strategy="${strategy:-$s}" } echo if [ -n "$strategy" ]; then echo "!!!!! working strategy found : nfqws $strategy !!!!!" return 0 else echo 'working strategy not found' return 1 fi } tpws_check_domain_bypass() { # $1 - test function # $2 - encrypted test : 1/0 # $3 - domain local s strategy sec="$2" if [ "$sec" = 0 ]; then for s in '--hostcase' '--hostspell=hoSt' '--split-http-req=method' '--split-http-req=method --hostcase' '--split-http-req=host' '--split-http-req=host --hostcase' \ '--hostdot' '--hosttab' '--hostnospace' '--methodspace' '--methodeol' '--unixeol' \ '--hostpad=1024' '--hostpad=2048' '--hostpad=4096' '--hostpad=8192' '--hostpad=16384'; do tpws_curl_test $1 $3 $s && strategy="${strategy:-$s}" done else for pos in 1 2 3 4 5 10 50 100; do s="--split-pos=$pos" tpws_curl_test $1 $3 $s && { strategy="${strategy:-$s}" break } done fi echo if [ -n "$strategy" ]; then echo "!!!!! working strategy found : tpws $strategy !!!!!" return 0 else echo 'working strategy not found' return 1 fi } check_domain() { # $1 - test function # $2 - port # $3 - encrypted test : 1/0 # $4 - domain local code echo echo \* $1 $4 # in case was interrupted before nfqws_ipt_unprepare $2 tpws_ipt_unprepare $2 ws_kill echo "- checking without DPI bypass" curl_test $1 $4 && return code=$? for c in 1 2 3 4 6 27 ; do [ $code = $c ] && return done echo echo preparing tpws redirection tpws_ipt_prepare $2 tpws_check_domain_bypass $1 $3 $4 echo clearing tpws redirection tpws_ipt_unprepare $2 echo echo preparing nfqws redirection nfqws_ipt_prepare $2 nfqws_check_domain_bypass $1 $3 $4 echo clearing nfqws redirection nfqws_ipt_unprepare $2 } check_domain_http() { # $1 - domain check_domain curl_test_http 80 0 $1 } check_domain_https_tls12() { # $1 - domain check_domain curl_test_https_tls12 443 1 $1 } check_domain_https_tls13() { # $1 - domain check_domain curl_test_https_tls13 443 1 $1 } configure_ip_version() { if [ "$IPV" = 6 ]; then IPTABLES=ip6tables LOCALHOST=::1 LOCALHOST_IPT=[::1] else IPTABLES=iptables LOCALHOST= LOCALHOST_IPT= fi } ask_params() { echo echo NOTE ! this test should be run with zapret or any other bypass software disabled, without VPN $ECHON "test this domain (default: $DOMAIN) : " local dom read dom [ -n "$dom" ] && DOMAIN=$dom $ECHON "ip protocol version - 4 or 6 (default: 4) : " read IPV [ -n "$IPV" ] || IPV=4 [ "$IPV" = 4 -o "$IPV" = 6 ] || { echo invalid ip version. should be 4 or 6. exitp 1 } configure_ip_version ENABLE_HTTP=1 ask_yes_no_var ENABLE_HTTP "check http" ENABLE_HTTPS_TLS12=1 ask_yes_no_var ENABLE_HTTPS_TLS12 "check https tls 1.2" ENABLE_HTTPS_TLS13=0 echo if curl_supports_tls13; then echo "TLS 1.3 is the new standard for encrypted communications over TCP" echo "its the most important feature for DPI bypass is encrypted TLS ServerHello" echo "more and more sites enable TLS 1.3 but still there're many sites with only TLS 1.2 support" echo "with TLS 1.3 more DPI bypass strategies can work but they may not apply to all sites" echo "if a strategy works with TLS 1.2 it will also work with TLS 1.3" echo "if nothing works with TLS 1.2 this test may find TLS1.3 only strategies" echo "make sure that $DOMAIN supports TLS 1.3 otherwise all test will return an error" ask_yes_no_var ENABLE_HTTPS_TLS13 "check https tls 1.3" else echo "installed curl version does not support TLS 1.3 . tests disabled." fi IGNORE_CA=0 CURL_OPT= [ $ENABLE_HTTPS_TLS13 = 1 -o $ENABLE_HTTPS_TLS12 = 1 ] && { echo echo on limited systems like openwrt CA certificates might not be installed to preserve space echo in such a case curl cannot verify server certificate and you should either install ca-bundle or disable verification echo however disabling verification will break https check if ISP does MitM attack and substitutes server certificate ask_yes_no_var IGNORE_CA "do not verify server certificate" [ "$IGNORE_CA" = 1 ] && CURL_OPT=-k } } pingtest() { ping -c 1 -W 1 $1 >/dev/null } dnstest() { # $1 - dns server. empty for system resolver nslookup w3.org $1 >/dev/null 2>/dev/null } find_working_public_dns() { for dns in $DNSCHECK_DNS; do pingtest $dns && dnstest $dns && { PUBDNS=$dns return 0 } done return 1 } check_dns_spoof() { # $1 - domain # $2 - public DNS echo $1 | "$EXEDIR/mdig/mdig" --family=4 >"$DNSCHECK_DIG1" nslookup $1 $2 | sed -n '/Name:/,$p' | grep ^Address | grep -oE '([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}' >"$DNSCHECK_DIG2" # check whether system resolver returns anything other than public DNS grep -qvFf "$DNSCHECK_DIG2" "$DNSCHECK_DIG1" } check_dns_cleanup() { rm -f "$DNSCHECK_DIG1" "$DNSCHECK_DIG2" "$DNSCHECK_DIGS" 2>/dev/null } check_dns() { local C1 C2 echo \* checking DNS [ -f "$DNSCHECK_DIGS" ] && rm -f "$DNSCHECK_DIGS" dnstest || { echo -- DNS is not working. It's either misconfigured or blocked or you don't have inet access. return 1 } echo system DNS is working if find_working_public_dns ; then echo comparing system resolver to public DNS : $PUBDNS for dom in $DNSCHECK_DOM; do if check_dns_spoof $dom $PUBDNS ; then echo $dom : MISMATCH echo -- system resolver : cat "$DNSCHECK_DIG1" echo -- $PUBDNS : cat "$DNSCHECK_DIG2" check_dns_cleanup echo -- POSSIBLE DNS HIJACK DETECTED. ZAPRET WILL NOT HELP YOU IN CASE DNS IS SPOOFED !!! echo -- DNS CHANGE OR DNSCRYPT MAY BE REQUIRED return 1 else echo $dom : OK cat "$DNSCHECK_DIG1" >>"$DNSCHECK_DIGS" fi done else echo no working public DNS was found. looks like public DNS blocked. for dom in $DNSCHECK_DOM; do echo $dom; done | "$EXEDIR/mdig/mdig" --threads=10 --family=4 >"$DNSCHECK_DIGS" fi echo checking resolved IP uniqueness for : $DNSCHECK_DOM echo censor\'s DNS can return equal result for multiple blocked domains. C1=$(wc -l <"$DNSCHECK_DIGS") C2=$(sort -u "$DNSCHECK_DIGS" | wc -l) [ "$C1" -eq 0 ] && { echo -- DNS is not working. It's either misconfigured or blocked or you don't have inet access. check_dns_cleanup return 1 } [ "$C1" = "$C2" ] || { echo system dns resolver has returned equal IPs for some domains checked above \($C1 total, $C2 unique\) echo non-unique IPs : sort "$DNSCHECK_DIGS" | uniq -d echo -- POSSIBLE DNS HIJACK DETECTED. ZAPRET WILL NOT HELP YOU IN CASE DNS IS SPOOFED !!! echo -- DNSCRYPT MAY BE REQUIRED check_dns_cleanup return 1 } echo all resolved IPs are unique echo -- DNS looks good echo -- NOTE this check is Russia targeted. In your country other domains may be blocked. check_dns_cleanup return 0 } sigint() { # make sure we are not in a middle state that impacts connectivity echo echo terminating... [ -n "$IPV" ] && { tpws_ipt_unprepare 80 tpws_ipt_unprepare 443 nfqws_ipt_unprepare 80 nfqws_ipt_unprepare 443 } ws_kill exitp 1 } check_system check_prerequisites require_root check_dns ask_params PID= trap 'sigint' 2 [ "$ENABLE_HTTP" = 1 ] && check_domain_http $DOMAIN [ "$ENABLE_HTTPS_TLS12" = 1 ] && check_domain_https_tls12 $DOMAIN [ "$ENABLE_HTTPS_TLS13" = 1 ] && check_domain_https_tls13 $DOMAIN trap - 2 exitp 0