#define _GNU_SOURCE #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <netinet/ip.h> #include <net/if.h> #include <ifaddrs.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <sys/select.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <signal.h> #include <errno.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <netinet/tcp.h> #include <getopt.h> #include <pwd.h> #include <sys/resource.h> #include <time.h> #include <syslog.h> #include "tpws.h" #ifdef BSD #include <sys/sysctl.h> #endif #include "tpws_conn.h" #include "hostlist.h" #include "params.h" #include "sec.h" #include "redirect.h" #include "helpers.h" #include "gzip.h" #include "pools.h" struct params_s params; bool bHup = false; static void onhup(int sig) { printf("HUP received !\n"); printf("Will reload hostlist on next request (if any)\n"); bHup = true; } // should be called in normal execution void dohup(void) { if (bHup) { if (!LoadIncludeHostLists() || !LoadExcludeHostLists()) { // what will we do without hostlist ?? sure, gonna die exit(1); } bHup = false; } } static void onusr2(int sig) { printf("\nHOSTFAIL POOL DUMP\n"); struct desync_profile_list *dpl; LIST_FOREACH(dpl, ¶ms.desync_profiles, next) { printf("\nDESYNC PROFILE %d\n",dpl->dp.n); HostFailPoolDump(dpl->dp.hostlist_auto_fail_counters); } printf("\n"); } static int8_t block_sigpipe(void) { sigset_t sigset; memset(&sigset, 0, sizeof(sigset)); //Get the old sigset, add SIGPIPE and update sigset if (sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, NULL, &sigset) == -1) { DLOG_PERROR("sigprocmask (get)"); return -1; } if (sigaddset(&sigset, SIGPIPE) == -1) { DLOG_PERROR("sigaddset"); return -1; } if (sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &sigset, NULL) == -1) { DLOG_PERROR("sigprocmask (set)"); return -1; } return 0; } static bool is_interface_online(const char *ifname) { struct ifreq ifr; int sock; if ((sock=socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_IP))==-1) return false; memset(&ifr, 0, sizeof(ifr)); strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname, IFNAMSIZ); ifr.ifr_name[IFNAMSIZ-1] = 0; ioctl(sock, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &ifr); close(sock); return !!(ifr.ifr_flags & IFF_UP); } static int get_default_ttl(void) { int sock,ttl=0; socklen_t optlen=sizeof(ttl); if ((sock=socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_IP))!=-1) { getsockopt(sock, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TTL, &ttl, &optlen); close(sock); } return ttl; } static void exithelp(void) { printf( " --bind-addr=<v4_addr>|<v6_addr>\t; for v6 link locals append %%interface_name\n" " --bind-iface4=<interface_name>\t\t; bind to the first ipv4 addr of interface\n" " --bind-iface6=<interface_name>\t\t; bind to the first ipv6 addr of interface\n" " --bind-linklocal=no|unwanted|prefer|force ; prohibit, accept, prefer or force ipv6 link local bind\n" " --bind-wait-ifup=<sec>\t\t\t; wait for interface to appear and up\n" " --bind-wait-ip=<sec>\t\t\t; after ifup wait for ip address to appear up to N seconds\n" " --bind-wait-ip-linklocal=<sec>\t\t; (prefer) accept only LL first N seconds then any (unwanted) accept only globals first N seconds then LL\n" " --bind-wait-only\t\t\t; wait for bind conditions satisfaction then exit. return code 0 if success.\n" " * multiple binds are supported. each bind-addr, bind-iface* start new bind\n" " --connect-bind-addr=<v4_addr>|<v6_addr> ; address for outbound connections. for v6 link locals append %%interface_name\n" " --port=<port>\t\t\t\t; only one port number for all binds is supported\n" " --socks\t\t\t\t; implement socks4/5 proxy instead of transparent proxy\n" " --no-resolve\t\t\t\t; disable socks5 remote dns ability\n" " --resolver-threads=<int>\t\t; number of resolver worker threads\n" " --local-rcvbuf=<bytes>\n" " --local-sndbuf=<bytes>\n" " --remote-rcvbuf=<bytes>\n" " --remote-sndbuf=<bytes>\n" #ifdef SPLICE_PRESENT " --nosplice\t\t\t\t; do not use splice to transfer data between sockets\n" #endif " --skip-nodelay\t\t\t\t; do not set TCP_NODELAY option for outgoing connections (incompatible with split options)\n" #if defined(__linux__) || defined(__APPLE__) " --local-tcp-user-timeout=<seconds>\t; set tcp user timeout for local leg (default : %d, 0 = system default)\n" " --remote-tcp-user-timeout=<seconds>\t; set tcp user timeout for remote leg (default : %d, 0 = system default)\n" #endif " --maxconn=<max_connections>\n" #ifdef SPLICE_PRESENT " --maxfiles=<max_open_files>\t\t; should be at least (X*connections+16), where X=6 in tcp proxy mode, X=4 in tampering mode\n" #else " --maxfiles=<max_open_files>\t\t; should be at least (connections*2+16)\n" #endif " --max-orphan-time=<sec>\t\t; if local leg sends something and closes and remote leg is still connecting then cancel connection attempt after N seconds\n" " --daemon\t\t\t\t; daemonize\n" " --pidfile=<filename>\t\t\t; write pid to file\n" " --user=<username>\t\t\t; drop root privs\n" " --uid=uid[:gid]\t\t\t; drop root privs\n" #if defined(__FreeBSD__) " --enable-pf\t\t\t\t; enable PF redirector support. required in FreeBSD when used with PF firewall.\n" #endif " --debug=0|1|2|syslog|@<filename>\t; 1 and 2 means log to console and set debug level. for other targets use --debug-level.\n" " --debug-level=0|1|2\t\t\t; specify debug level\n" "\nMULTI-STRATEGY:\n" " --new\t\t\t\t\t; begin new strategy\n" " --filter-l3=ipv4|ipv6\t\t\t; L3 protocol filter. multiple comma separated values allowed.\n" " --filter-tcp=[~]port1[-port2]\t\t; TCP port filter. ~ means negation\n" "\nHOSTLIST FILTER:\n" " --hostlist=<filename>\t\t\t; only act on hosts in the list (one host per line, subdomains auto apply, gzip supported, multiple hostlists allowed)\n" " --hostlist-exclude=<filename>\t\t; do not act on hosts in the list (one host per line, subdomains auto apply, gzip supported, multiple hostlists allowed)\n" " --hostlist-auto=<filename>\t\t; detect DPI blocks and build hostlist automatically\n" " --hostlist-auto-fail-threshold=<int>\t; how many failed attempts cause hostname to be added to auto hostlist (default : %d)\n" " --hostlist-auto-fail-time=<int>\t; all failed attemps must be within these seconds (default : %d)\n" " --hostlist-auto-debug=<logfile>\t; debug auto hostlist positives\n" "\nTAMPER:\n" " --split-http-req=method|host\t\t; split at specified logical part of plain http request\n" " --split-tls=sni|sniext\t\t\t; split at specified logical part of TLS ClientHello\n" " --split-pos=<numeric_offset>\t\t; split at specified pos. split-http-req or split-tls take precedence for http.\n" " --split-any-protocol\t\t\t; split not only http and https\n" #if defined(BSD) && !defined(__APPLE__) " --disorder[=http|tls]\t\t\t; when splitting simulate sending second fragment first (BSD sends entire message instead of first fragment, this is not good)\n" #else " --disorder[=http|tls]\t\t\t; when splitting simulate sending second fragment first\n" #endif " --oob[=http|tls]\t\t\t; when splitting send out of band byte. default is HEX 0x00.\n" " --oob-data=<char>|0xHEX\t\t; override default 0x00 OOB byte.\n" " --hostcase\t\t\t\t; change Host: => host:\n" " --hostspell\t\t\t\t; exact spelling of \"Host\" header. must be 4 chars. default is \"host\"\n" " --hostdot\t\t\t\t; add \".\" after Host: name\n" " --hosttab\t\t\t\t; add tab after Host: name\n" " --hostnospace\t\t\t\t; remove space after Host:\n" " --hostpad=<bytes>\t\t\t; add dummy padding headers before Host:\n" " --domcase\t\t\t\t; mix domain case : Host: TeSt.cOm\n" " --methodspace\t\t\t\t; add extra space after method\n" " --methodeol\t\t\t\t; add end-of-line before method\n" " --unixeol\t\t\t\t; replace 0D0A to 0A\n" " --tlsrec=sni|sniext\t\t\t; make 2 TLS records. split at specified logical part. don't split if SNI is not present\n" " --tlsrec-pos=<pos>\t\t\t; make 2 TLS records. split at specified pos\n" #ifdef __linux__ " --mss=<int>\t\t\t\t; set client MSS. forces server to split messages but significantly decreases speed !\n" #endif " --tamper-start=[n]<pos>\t\t; start tampering only from specified outbound stream position. default is 0. 'n' means data block number.\n" " --tamper-cutoff=[n]<pos>\t\t; do not tamper anymore after specified outbound stream position. default is unlimited.\n", #if defined(__linux__) || defined(__APPLE__) DEFAULT_TCP_USER_TIMEOUT_LOCAL,DEFAULT_TCP_USER_TIMEOUT_REMOTE, #endif HOSTLIST_AUTO_FAIL_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT, HOSTLIST_AUTO_FAIL_TIME_DEFAULT ); exit(1); } static void cleanup_params(void) { dp_list_destroy(¶ms.desync_profiles); } static void exithelp_clean(void) { cleanup_params(); exithelp(); } static void exit_clean(int code) { cleanup_params(); exit(code); } static void nextbind_clean(void) { params.binds_last++; if (params.binds_last>=MAX_BINDS) { DLOG_ERR("maximum of %d binds are supported\n",MAX_BINDS); exit_clean(1); } } static void checkbind_clean(void) { if (params.binds_last<0) { DLOG_ERR("start new bind with --bind-addr,--bind-iface*\n"); exit_clean(1); } } void save_default_ttl(void) { if (!params.ttl_default) { params.ttl_default = get_default_ttl(); if (!params.ttl_default) { DLOG_ERR("could not get default ttl\n"); exit_clean(1); } } } bool parse_httpreqpos(const char *s, enum httpreqpos *pos) { if (!strcmp(s, "method")) *pos = httpreqpos_method; else if (!strcmp(s, "host")) *pos = httpreqpos_host; else return false; return true; } bool parse_tlspos(const char *s, enum tlspos *pos) { if (!strcmp(s, "sni")) *pos = tlspos_sni; else if (!strcmp(s, "sniext")) *pos = tlspos_sniext; else return false; return true; } static bool wf_make_l3(char *opt, bool *ipv4, bool *ipv6) { char *e,*p,c; for (p=opt,*ipv4=*ipv6=false ; p ; ) { if ((e = strchr(p,','))) { c=*e; *e=0; } if (!strcmp(p,"ipv4")) *ipv4 = true; else if (!strcmp(p,"ipv6")) *ipv6 = true; else return false; if (e) { *e++=c; } p = e; } return true; } void parse_params(int argc, char *argv[]) { int option_index = 0; int v, i; memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof(params)); params.maxconn = DEFAULT_MAX_CONN; params.max_orphan_time = DEFAULT_MAX_ORPHAN_TIME; params.binds_last = -1; #if defined(__linux__) || defined(__APPLE__) params.tcp_user_timeout_local = DEFAULT_TCP_USER_TIMEOUT_LOCAL; params.tcp_user_timeout_remote = DEFAULT_TCP_USER_TIMEOUT_REMOTE; #endif #if defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__APPLE__) params.pf_enable = true; // OpenBSD and MacOS have no other choice #endif if (can_drop_root()) { params.uid = params.gid = 0x7FFFFFFF; // default uid:gid params.droproot = true; } struct desync_profile_list *dpl; struct desync_profile *dp; int desync_profile_count=0; if (!(dpl = dp_list_add(¶ms.desync_profiles))) { DLOG_ERR("desync_profile_add: out of memory\n"); exit_clean(1); } dp = &dpl->dp; dp->n = ++desync_profile_count; const struct option long_options[] = { { "help",no_argument,0,0 },// optidx=0 { "h",no_argument,0,0 },// optidx=1 { "bind-addr",required_argument,0,0 },// optidx=2 { "bind-iface4",required_argument,0,0 },// optidx=3 { "bind-iface6",required_argument,0,0 },// optidx=4 { "bind-linklocal",required_argument,0,0 },// optidx=5 { "bind-wait-ifup",required_argument,0,0 },// optidx=6 { "bind-wait-ip",required_argument,0,0 },// optidx=7 { "bind-wait-ip-linklocal",required_argument,0,0 },// optidx=8 { "bind-wait-only",no_argument,0,0 },// optidx=9 { "port",required_argument,0,0 },// optidx=10 { "daemon",no_argument,0,0 },// optidx=11 { "user",required_argument,0,0 },// optidx=12 { "uid",required_argument,0,0 },// optidx=13 { "maxconn",required_argument,0,0 },// optidx=14 { "maxfiles",required_argument,0,0 },// optidx=15 { "max-orphan-time",required_argument,0,0 },// optidx=16 { "hostcase",no_argument,0,0 },// optidx=17 { "hostspell",required_argument,0,0 },// optidx=18 { "hostdot",no_argument,0,0 },// optidx=19 { "hostnospace",no_argument,0,0 },// optidx=20 { "hostpad",required_argument,0,0 },// optidx=21 { "domcase",no_argument,0,0 },// optidx=22 { "split-http-req",required_argument,0,0 },// optidx=23 { "split-tls",required_argument,0,0 },// optidx=24 { "split-pos",required_argument,0,0 },// optidx=25 { "split-any-protocol",optional_argument,0,0},// optidx=26 { "disorder",optional_argument,0,0 },// optidx=27 { "oob",optional_argument,0,0 },// optidx=28 { "oob-data",required_argument,0,0 },// optidx=29 { "methodspace",no_argument,0,0 },// optidx=30 { "methodeol",no_argument,0,0 },// optidx=31 { "hosttab",no_argument,0,0 },// optidx=32 { "unixeol",no_argument,0,0 },// optidx=33 { "tlsrec",required_argument,0,0 },// optidx=34 { "tlsrec-pos",required_argument,0,0 },// optidx=35 { "hostlist",required_argument,0,0 },// optidx=36 { "hostlist-exclude",required_argument,0,0 },// optidx=37 { "hostlist-auto",required_argument,0,0}, // optidx=38 { "hostlist-auto-fail-threshold",required_argument,0,0}, // optidx=39 { "hostlist-auto-fail-time",required_argument,0,0}, // optidx=40 { "hostlist-auto-debug",required_argument,0,0}, // optidx=41 { "pidfile",required_argument,0,0 },// optidx=42 { "debug",optional_argument,0,0 },// optidx=43 { "debug-level",required_argument,0,0 },// optidx=44 { "local-rcvbuf",required_argument,0,0 },// optidx=45 { "local-sndbuf",required_argument,0,0 },// optidx=46 { "remote-rcvbuf",required_argument,0,0 },// optidx=47 { "remote-sndbuf",required_argument,0,0 },// optidx=48 { "socks",no_argument,0,0 },// optidx=40 { "no-resolve",no_argument,0,0 },// optidx=50 { "resolver-threads",required_argument,0,0 },// optidx=51 { "skip-nodelay",no_argument,0,0 },// optidx=52 { "tamper-start",required_argument,0,0 },// optidx=53 { "tamper-cutoff",required_argument,0,0 },// optidx=54 { "connect-bind-addr",required_argument,0,0 },// optidx=55 { "new",no_argument,0,0 }, // optidx=56 { "filter-l3",required_argument,0,0 }, // optidx=57 { "filter-tcp",required_argument,0,0 }, // optidx=58 #if defined(__FreeBSD__) { "enable-pf",no_argument,0,0 },// optidx=59 #elif defined(__APPLE__) { "local-tcp-user-timeout",required_argument,0,0 },// optidx=59 { "remote-tcp-user-timeout",required_argument,0,0 },// optidx=60 #elif defined(__linux__) { "local-tcp-user-timeout",required_argument,0,0 },// optidx=59 { "remote-tcp-user-timeout",required_argument,0,0 },// optidx=60 { "mss",required_argument,0,0 },// optidx=61 #ifdef SPLICE_PRESENT { "nosplice",no_argument,0,0 },// optidx=62 #endif #endif { "hostlist-auto-retrans-threshold",optional_argument,0,0}, // ignored. for nfqws command line compatibility { NULL,0,NULL,0 } }; while ((v = getopt_long_only(argc, argv, "", long_options, &option_index)) != -1) { if (v) exithelp_clean(); switch (option_index) { case 0: case 1: exithelp_clean(); break; case 2: /* bind-addr */ nextbind_clean(); { char *p = strchr(optarg,'%'); if (p) { *p=0; strncpy(params.binds[params.binds_last].bindiface, p+1, sizeof(params.binds[params.binds_last].bindiface)); } strncpy(params.binds[params.binds_last].bindaddr, optarg, sizeof(params.binds[params.binds_last].bindaddr)); } params.binds[params.binds_last].bindaddr[sizeof(params.binds[params.binds_last].bindaddr) - 1] = 0; break; case 3: /* bind-iface4 */ nextbind_clean(); params.binds[params.binds_last].bind_if6=false; strncpy(params.binds[params.binds_last].bindiface, optarg, sizeof(params.binds[params.binds_last].bindiface)); params.binds[params.binds_last].bindiface[sizeof(params.binds[params.binds_last].bindiface) - 1] = 0; break; case 4: /* bind-iface6 */ nextbind_clean(); params.binds[params.binds_last].bind_if6=true; strncpy(params.binds[params.binds_last].bindiface, optarg, sizeof(params.binds[params.binds_last].bindiface)); params.binds[params.binds_last].bindiface[sizeof(params.binds[params.binds_last].bindiface) - 1] = 0; break; case 5: /* bind-linklocal */ checkbind_clean(); params.binds[params.binds_last].bindll = true; if (!strcmp(optarg, "no")) params.binds[params.binds_last].bindll=no; else if (!strcmp(optarg, "prefer")) params.binds[params.binds_last].bindll=prefer; else if (!strcmp(optarg, "force")) params.binds[params.binds_last].bindll=force; else if (!strcmp(optarg, "unwanted")) params.binds[params.binds_last].bindll=unwanted; else { DLOG_ERR("invalid parameter in bind-linklocal : %s\n",optarg); exit_clean(1); } break; case 6: /* bind-wait-ifup */ checkbind_clean(); params.binds[params.binds_last].bind_wait_ifup = atoi(optarg); break; case 7: /* bind-wait-ip */ checkbind_clean(); params.binds[params.binds_last].bind_wait_ip = atoi(optarg); break; case 8: /* bind-wait-ip-linklocal */ checkbind_clean(); params.binds[params.binds_last].bind_wait_ip_ll = atoi(optarg); break; case 9: /* bind-wait-only */ params.bind_wait_only = true; break; case 10: /* port */ i = atoi(optarg); if (i <= 0 || i > 65535) { DLOG_ERR("bad port number\n"); exit_clean(1); } params.port = (uint16_t)i; break; case 11: /* daemon */ params.daemon = true; break; case 12: /* user */ { struct passwd *pwd = getpwnam(optarg); if (!pwd) { DLOG_ERR("non-existent username supplied\n"); exit_clean(1); } params.uid = pwd->pw_uid; params.gid = pwd->pw_gid; params.droproot = true; break; } case 13: /* uid */ params.gid=0x7FFFFFFF; // default git. drop gid=0 params.droproot = true; if (sscanf(optarg,"%u:%u",¶ms.uid,¶ms.gid)<1) { DLOG_ERR("--uid should be : uid[:gid]\n"); exit_clean(1); } break; case 14: /* maxconn */ params.maxconn = atoi(optarg); if (params.maxconn <= 0 || params.maxconn > 10000) { DLOG_ERR("bad maxconn\n"); exit_clean(1); } break; case 15: /* maxfiles */ params.maxfiles = atoi(optarg); if (params.maxfiles < 0) { DLOG_ERR("bad maxfiles\n"); exit_clean(1); } break; case 16: /* max-orphan-time */ params.max_orphan_time = atoi(optarg); if (params.max_orphan_time < 0) { DLOG_ERR("bad max_orphan_time\n"); exit_clean(1); } break; case 17: /* hostcase */ dp->hostcase = true; params.tamper = true; break; case 18: /* hostspell */ if (strlen(optarg) != 4) { DLOG_ERR("hostspell must be exactly 4 chars long\n"); exit_clean(1); } dp->hostcase = true; memcpy(dp->hostspell, optarg, 4); params.tamper = true; break; case 19: /* hostdot */ dp->hostdot = true; params.tamper = true; break; case 20: /* hostnospace */ dp->hostnospace = true; params.tamper = true; break; case 21: /* hostpad */ dp->hostpad = atoi(optarg); params.tamper = true; break; case 22: /* domcase */ dp->domcase = true; params.tamper = true; break; case 23: /* split-http-req */ if (!parse_httpreqpos(optarg, &dp->split_http_req)) { DLOG_ERR("Invalid argument for split-http-req\n"); exit_clean(1); } params.tamper = true; break; case 24: /* split-tls */ if (!parse_tlspos(optarg, &dp->split_tls)) { DLOG_ERR("Invalid argument for split-tls\n"); exit_clean(1); } params.tamper = true; break; case 25: /* split-pos */ i = atoi(optarg); if (i>0) dp->split_pos = i; else { DLOG_ERR("Invalid argument for split-pos\n"); exit_clean(1); } params.tamper = true; break; case 26: /* split-any-protocol */ dp->split_any_protocol = true; break; case 27: /* disorder */ if (optarg) { if (!strcmp(optarg,"http")) dp->disorder_http=true; else if (!strcmp(optarg,"tls")) dp->disorder_tls=true; else { DLOG_ERR("Invalid argument for disorder\n"); exit_clean(1); } } else dp->disorder = true; save_default_ttl(); break; case 28: /* oob */ if (optarg) { if (!strcmp(optarg,"http")) dp->oob_http=true; else if (!strcmp(optarg,"tls")) dp->oob_tls=true; else { DLOG_ERR("Invalid argument for oob\n"); exit_clean(1); } } else dp->oob = true; break; case 29: /* oob-data */ { size_t l = strlen(optarg); unsigned int bt; if (l==1) dp->oob_byte = (uint8_t)*optarg; else if (l!=4 || sscanf(optarg,"0x%02X",&bt)!=1) { DLOG_ERR("Invalid argument for oob-data\n"); exit_clean(1); } else dp->oob_byte = (uint8_t)bt; } break; case 30: /* methodspace */ dp->methodspace = true; params.tamper = true; break; case 31: /* methodeol */ dp->methodeol = true; params.tamper = true; break; case 32: /* hosttab */ dp->hosttab = true; params.tamper = true; break; case 33: /* unixeol */ dp->unixeol = true; params.tamper = true; break; case 34: /* tlsrec */ if (!parse_tlspos(optarg, &dp->tlsrec)) { DLOG_ERR("Invalid argument for tlsrec\n"); exit_clean(1); } params.tamper = true; break; case 35: /* tlsrec-pos */ if ((dp->tlsrec_pos = atoi(optarg))>0) dp->tlsrec = tlspos_pos; else { DLOG_ERR("Invalid argument for tlsrec-pos\n"); exit_clean(1); } params.tamper = true; break; case 36: /* hostlist */ if (!strlist_add(&dp->hostlist_files, optarg)) { DLOG_ERR("strlist_add failed\n"); exit_clean(1); } params.tamper = true; break; case 37: /* hostlist-exclude */ if (!strlist_add(&dp->hostlist_exclude_files, optarg)) { DLOG_ERR("strlist_add failed\n"); exit_clean(1); } params.tamper = true; break; case 38: /* hostlist-auto */ if (*dp->hostlist_auto_filename) { DLOG_ERR("only one auto hostlist per profile is supported\n"); exit_clean(1); } { FILE *F = fopen(optarg,"a+t"); if (!F) { DLOG_ERR("cannot create %s\n", optarg); exit_clean(1); } bool bGzip = is_gzip(F); fclose(F); if (bGzip) { DLOG_ERR("gzipped auto hostlists are not supported\n"); exit_clean(1); } if (params.droproot && chown(optarg, params.uid, -1)) DLOG_ERR("could not chown %s. auto hostlist file may not be writable after privilege drop\n", optarg); } if (!strlist_add(&dp->hostlist_files, optarg)) { DLOG_ERR("strlist_add failed\n"); exit_clean(1); } strncpy(dp->hostlist_auto_filename, optarg, sizeof(dp->hostlist_auto_filename)); dp->hostlist_auto_filename[sizeof(dp->hostlist_auto_filename) - 1] = '\0'; params.tamper = true; // need to detect blocks and update autohostlist. cannot just slice. break; case 39: /* hostlist-auto-fail-threshold */ dp->hostlist_auto_fail_threshold = (uint8_t)atoi(optarg); if (dp->hostlist_auto_fail_threshold<1 || dp->hostlist_auto_fail_threshold>20) { DLOG_ERR("auto hostlist fail threshold must be within 1..20\n"); exit_clean(1); } break; case 40: /* hostlist-auto-fail-time */ dp->hostlist_auto_fail_time = (uint8_t)atoi(optarg); if (dp->hostlist_auto_fail_time<1) { DLOG_ERR("auto hostlist fail time is not valid\n"); exit_clean(1); } break; case 41: /* hostlist-auto-debug */ { FILE *F = fopen(optarg,"a+t"); if (!F) { DLOG_ERR("cannot create %s\n", optarg); exit_clean(1); } fclose(F); if (params.droproot && chown(optarg, params.uid, -1)) DLOG_ERR("could not chown %s. auto hostlist debug log may not be writable after privilege drop\n", optarg); strncpy(params.hostlist_auto_debuglog, optarg, sizeof(params.hostlist_auto_debuglog)); params.hostlist_auto_debuglog[sizeof(params.hostlist_auto_debuglog) - 1] = '\0'; } break; case 42: /* pidfile */ strncpy(params.pidfile,optarg,sizeof(params.pidfile)); params.pidfile[sizeof(params.pidfile)-1]='\0'; break; case 43: /* debug */ if (optarg) { if (*optarg=='@') { strncpy(params.debug_logfile,optarg+1,sizeof(params.debug_logfile)); params.debug_logfile[sizeof(params.debug_logfile)-1] = 0; FILE *F = fopen(params.debug_logfile,"wt"); if (!F) { fprintf(stderr, "cannot create %s\n", params.debug_logfile); exit_clean(1); } if (params.droproot && chown(params.debug_logfile, params.uid, -1)) fprintf(stderr, "could not chown %s. log file may not be writable after privilege drop\n", params.debug_logfile); if (!params.debug) params.debug = 1; params.debug_target = LOG_TARGET_FILE; } else if (!strcmp(optarg,"syslog")) { if (!params.debug) params.debug = 1; params.debug_target = LOG_TARGET_SYSLOG; openlog("tpws",LOG_PID,LOG_USER); } else { params.debug = atoi(optarg); params.debug_target = LOG_TARGET_CONSOLE; } } else { params.debug = 1; params.debug_target = LOG_TARGET_CONSOLE; } break; case 44: /* debug-level */ params.debug = atoi(optarg); break; case 45: /* local-rcvbuf */ #ifdef __linux__ params.local_rcvbuf = atoi(optarg)/2; #else params.local_rcvbuf = atoi(optarg); #endif break; case 46: /* local-sndbuf */ #ifdef __linux__ params.local_sndbuf = atoi(optarg)/2; #else params.local_sndbuf = atoi(optarg); #endif break; case 47: /* remote-rcvbuf */ #ifdef __linux__ params.remote_rcvbuf = atoi(optarg)/2; #else params.remote_rcvbuf = atoi(optarg); #endif break; case 48: /* remote-sndbuf */ #ifdef __linux__ params.remote_sndbuf = atoi(optarg)/2; #else params.remote_sndbuf = atoi(optarg); #endif break; case 49: /* socks */ params.proxy_type = CONN_TYPE_SOCKS; break; case 50: /* no-resolve */ params.no_resolve = true; break; case 51: /* resolver-threads */ params.resolver_threads = atoi(optarg); if (params.resolver_threads<1 || params.resolver_threads>300) { DLOG_ERR("resolver-threads must be within 1..300\n"); exit_clean(1); } break; case 52: /* skip-nodelay */ params.skip_nodelay = true; break; case 53: /* tamper-start */ { const char *p=optarg; if (*p=='n') { dp->tamper_start_n=true; p++; } else dp->tamper_start_n=false; dp->tamper_start = atoi(p); } params.tamper_lim = true; break; case 54: /* tamper-cutoff */ { const char *p=optarg; if (*p=='n') { dp->tamper_cutoff_n=true; p++; } else dp->tamper_cutoff_n=false; dp->tamper_cutoff = atoi(p); } params.tamper_lim = true; break; case 55: /* connect-bind-addr */ { char *p = strchr(optarg,'%'); if (p) *p++=0; if (inet_pton(AF_INET, optarg, ¶ms.connect_bind4.sin_addr)) { params.connect_bind4.sin_family = AF_INET; } else if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, optarg, ¶ms.connect_bind6.sin6_addr)) { params.connect_bind6.sin6_family = AF_INET6; if (p && *p) { // copy interface name for delayed resolution strncpy(params.connect_bind6_ifname,p,sizeof(params.connect_bind6_ifname)); params.connect_bind6_ifname[sizeof(params.connect_bind6_ifname)-1]=0; } } else { DLOG_ERR("bad bind addr : %s\n", optarg); exit_clean(1); } } break; case 56: /* new */ if (!(dpl = dp_list_add(¶ms.desync_profiles))) { DLOG_ERR("desync_profile_add: out of memory\n"); exit_clean(1); } dp = &dpl->dp; dp->n = ++desync_profile_count; break; case 57: /* filter-l3 */ if (!wf_make_l3(optarg,&dp->filter_ipv4,&dp->filter_ipv6)) { DLOG_ERR("bad value for --filter-l3\n"); exit_clean(1); } break; case 58: /* filter-tcp */ if (!pf_parse(optarg,&dp->pf_tcp)) { DLOG_ERR("Invalid port filter : %s\n",optarg); exit_clean(1); } break; #if defined(__FreeBSD__) case 59: /* enable-pf */ params.pf_enable = true; break; #elif defined(__linux__) || defined(__APPLE__) case 59: /* local-tcp-user-timeout */ params.tcp_user_timeout_local = atoi(optarg); if (params.tcp_user_timeout_local<0 || params.tcp_user_timeout_local>86400) { DLOG_ERR("Invalid argument for tcp user timeout. must be 0..86400\n"); exit_clean(1); } break; case 60: /* remote-tcp-user-timeout */ params.tcp_user_timeout_remote = atoi(optarg); if (params.tcp_user_timeout_remote<0 || params.tcp_user_timeout_remote>86400) { DLOG_ERR("Invalid argument for tcp user timeout. must be 0..86400\n"); exit_clean(1); } break; #endif #if defined(__linux__) case 61: /* mss */ // this option does not work in any BSD and MacOS. OS may accept but it changes nothing dp->mss = atoi(optarg); if (dp->mss<88 || dp->mss>32767) { DLOG_ERR("Invalid value for MSS. Linux accepts MSS 88-32767.\n"); exit_clean(1); } break; #ifdef SPLICE_PRESENT case 62: /* nosplice */ params.nosplice = true; break; #endif #endif } } if (!params.bind_wait_only && !params.port) { DLOG_ERR("Need port number\n"); exit_clean(1); } if (params.binds_last<=0) { params.binds_last=0; // default bind to all } if (!params.resolver_threads) params.resolver_threads = 5 + params.maxconn/50; VPRINT("adding low-priority default empty desync profile\n"); // add default empty profile if (!(dpl = dp_list_add(¶ms.desync_profiles))) { DLOG_ERR("desync_profile_add: out of memory\n"); exit_clean(1); } DLOG_CONDUP("we have %d user defined desync profile(s) and default low priority profile 0\n",desync_profile_count); LIST_FOREACH(dpl, ¶ms.desync_profiles, next) { dp = &dpl->dp; if (dp->split_tls==tlspos_none && dp->split_pos) dp->split_tls=tlspos_pos; if (dp->split_http_req==httpreqpos_none && dp->split_pos) dp->split_http_req=httpreqpos_pos; if (*dp->hostlist_auto_filename) dp->hostlist_auto_mod_time = file_mod_time(dp->hostlist_auto_filename); if (params.skip_nodelay && (dp->split_tls || dp->split_http_req || dp->split_pos)) { DLOG_ERR("Cannot split with --skip-nodelay\n"); exit_clean(1); } } if (!LoadIncludeHostLists()) { DLOG_ERR("Include hostlist load failed\n"); exit_clean(1); } if (!LoadExcludeHostLists()) { DLOG_ERR("Exclude hostlist load failed\n"); exit_clean(1); } } static bool find_listen_addr(struct sockaddr_storage *salisten, const char *bindiface, bool bind_if6, enum bindll bindll, int *if_index) { struct ifaddrs *addrs,*a; bool found=false; if (getifaddrs(&addrs)<0) return false; // for ipv6 preference order // bind-linklocal-1 : link-local,any // bind-linklocal=0 : private,global,link-local for(int pass=0;pass<3;pass++) { a = addrs; while (a) { if (a->ifa_addr) { if (a->ifa_addr->sa_family==AF_INET && *bindiface && !bind_if6 && !strcmp(a->ifa_name, bindiface)) { salisten->ss_family = AF_INET; memcpy(&((struct sockaddr_in*)salisten)->sin_addr, &((struct sockaddr_in*)a->ifa_addr)->sin_addr, sizeof(struct in_addr)); found=true; goto ex; } // ipv6 links locals are fe80::/10 else if (a->ifa_addr->sa_family==AF_INET6 && ((!*bindiface && (bindll==prefer || bindll==force)) || (*bindiface && bind_if6 && !strcmp(a->ifa_name, bindiface))) && ((bindll==force && is_linklocal((struct sockaddr_in6*)a->ifa_addr)) || (bindll==prefer && ((pass==0 && is_linklocal((struct sockaddr_in6*)a->ifa_addr)) || (pass==1 && is_private6((struct sockaddr_in6*)a->ifa_addr)) || pass==2)) || (bindll==no && ((pass==0 && is_private6((struct sockaddr_in6*)a->ifa_addr)) || (pass==1 && !is_linklocal((struct sockaddr_in6*)a->ifa_addr)))) || (bindll==unwanted && ((pass==0 && is_private6((struct sockaddr_in6*)a->ifa_addr)) || (pass==1 && !is_linklocal((struct sockaddr_in6*)a->ifa_addr)) || pass==2))) ) { salisten->ss_family = AF_INET6; memcpy(&((struct sockaddr_in6*)salisten)->sin6_addr, &((struct sockaddr_in6*)a->ifa_addr)->sin6_addr, sizeof(struct in6_addr)); if (if_index) *if_index = if_nametoindex(a->ifa_name); found=true; goto ex; } } a = a->ifa_next; } } ex: freeifaddrs(addrs); return found; } static bool read_system_maxfiles(rlim_t *maxfile) { #ifdef __linux__ FILE *F; int n; uintmax_t um; if (!(F=fopen("/proc/sys/fs/file-max","r"))) return false; n=fscanf(F,"%ju",&um); fclose(F); if (!n) return false; *maxfile = (rlim_t)um; return true; #elif defined(BSD) int maxfiles,mib[2]={CTL_KERN, KERN_MAXFILES}; size_t len = sizeof(maxfiles); if (sysctl(mib,2,&maxfiles,&len,NULL,0)==-1) return false; *maxfile = (rlim_t)maxfiles; return true; #else return false; #endif } static bool write_system_maxfiles(rlim_t maxfile) { #ifdef __linux__ FILE *F; int n; if (!(F=fopen("/proc/sys/fs/file-max","w"))) return false; n=fprintf(F,"%ju",(uintmax_t)maxfile); fclose(F); return !!n; #elif defined(BSD) int maxfiles=(int)maxfile,mib[2]={CTL_KERN, KERN_MAXFILES}; if (sysctl(mib,2,NULL,0,&maxfiles,sizeof(maxfiles))==-1) return false; return true; #else return false; #endif } static bool set_ulimit(void) { rlim_t fdmax,fdmin_system,cur_lim=0; int n; if (!params.maxfiles) { // 4 fds per tamper connection (2 pipe + 2 socket), 6 fds for tcp proxy connection (4 pipe + 2 socket), 2 fds (2 socket) for nosplice // additional 1/2 for unpaired remote legs sending buffers // 16 for listen_fd, epoll, hostlist, ... #ifdef SPLICE_PRESENT fdmax = (params.nosplice ? 2 : (params.tamper && !params.tamper_lim ? 4 : 6)) * params.maxconn; #else fdmax = 2 * params.maxconn; #endif fdmax += fdmax/2 + 16; } else fdmax = params.maxfiles; fdmin_system = fdmax + 4096; DBGPRINT("set_ulimit : fdmax=%ju fdmin_system=%ju\n",(uintmax_t)fdmax,(uintmax_t)fdmin_system); if (!read_system_maxfiles(&cur_lim)) return false; DBGPRINT("set_ulimit : current system file-max=%ju\n",(uintmax_t)cur_lim); if (cur_lim<fdmin_system) { DBGPRINT("set_ulimit : system fd limit is too low. trying to increase to %ju\n",(uintmax_t)fdmin_system); if (!write_system_maxfiles(fdmin_system)) { DLOG_ERR("could not set system-wide max file descriptors\n"); return false; } } struct rlimit rlim = {fdmax,fdmax}; n=setrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rlim); if (n==-1) DLOG_PERROR("setrlimit"); return n!=-1; } struct salisten_s { struct sockaddr_storage salisten; socklen_t salisten_len; int ipv6_only; int bind_wait_ip_left; // how much seconds left from bind_wait_ip }; static const char *bindll_s[] = { "unwanted","no","prefer","force" }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i, listen_fd[MAX_BINDS], yes = 1, retval = 0, if_index, exit_v=EXIT_FAILURE; struct salisten_s list[MAX_BINDS]; char ip_port[48]; srand(time(NULL)); parse_params(argc, argv); if (params.daemon) daemonize(); if (*params.pidfile && !writepid(params.pidfile)) { DLOG_ERR("could not write pidfile\n"); goto exiterr; } memset(&list, 0, sizeof(list)); for(i=0;i<=params.binds_last;i++) listen_fd[i]=-1; for(i=0;i<=params.binds_last;i++) { VPRINT("Prepare bind %d : addr=%s iface=%s v6=%u link_local=%s wait_ifup=%d wait_ip=%d wait_ip_ll=%d\n",i, params.binds[i].bindaddr,params.binds[i].bindiface,params.binds[i].bind_if6,bindll_s[params.binds[i].bindll], params.binds[i].bind_wait_ifup,params.binds[i].bind_wait_ip,params.binds[i].bind_wait_ip_ll); if_index=0; if (*params.binds[i].bindiface) { if (params.binds[i].bind_wait_ifup > 0) { int sec=0; if (!is_interface_online(params.binds[i].bindiface)) { DLOG_CONDUP("waiting for ifup of %s for up to %d second(s)...\n",params.binds[i].bindiface,params.binds[i].bind_wait_ifup); do { sleep(1); sec++; } while (!is_interface_online(params.binds[i].bindiface) && sec<params.binds[i].bind_wait_ifup); if (sec>=params.binds[i].bind_wait_ifup) { DLOG_CONDUP("wait timed out\n"); goto exiterr; } } } if (!(if_index = if_nametoindex(params.binds[i].bindiface)) && params.binds[i].bind_wait_ip<=0) { DLOG_CONDUP("bad iface %s\n",params.binds[i].bindiface); goto exiterr; } } list[i].bind_wait_ip_left = params.binds[i].bind_wait_ip; if (*params.binds[i].bindaddr) { if (inet_pton(AF_INET, params.binds[i].bindaddr, &((struct sockaddr_in*)(&list[i].salisten))->sin_addr)) { list[i].salisten.ss_family = AF_INET; } else if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, params.binds[i].bindaddr, &((struct sockaddr_in6*)(&list[i].salisten))->sin6_addr)) { list[i].salisten.ss_family = AF_INET6; list[i].ipv6_only = 1; } else { DLOG_CONDUP("bad bind addr : %s\n", params.binds[i].bindaddr); goto exiterr; } } else { if (*params.binds[i].bindiface || params.binds[i].bindll) { bool found; enum bindll bindll_1; int sec=0; if (params.binds[i].bind_wait_ip > 0) { DLOG_CONDUP("waiting for ip on %s for up to %d second(s)...\n", *params.binds[i].bindiface ? params.binds[i].bindiface : "<any>", params.binds[i].bind_wait_ip); if (params.binds[i].bind_wait_ip_ll>0) { if (params.binds[i].bindll==prefer) DLOG_CONDUP("during the first %d second(s) accepting only link locals...\n", params.binds[i].bind_wait_ip_ll); else if (params.binds[i].bindll==unwanted) DLOG_CONDUP("during the first %d second(s) accepting only ipv6 globals...\n", params.binds[i].bind_wait_ip_ll); } } for(;;) { // allow, no, prefer, force bindll_1 = (params.binds[i].bindll==prefer && sec<params.binds[i].bind_wait_ip_ll) ? force : (params.binds[i].bindll==unwanted && sec<params.binds[i].bind_wait_ip_ll) ? no : params.binds[i].bindll; if (sec && sec==params.binds[i].bind_wait_ip_ll) { if (params.binds[i].bindll==prefer) DLOG_CONDUP("link local address wait timeout. now accepting globals\n"); else if (params.binds[i].bindll==unwanted) DLOG_CONDUP("global ipv6 address wait timeout. now accepting link locals\n"); } found = find_listen_addr(&list[i].salisten,params.binds[i].bindiface,params.binds[i].bind_if6,bindll_1,&if_index); if (found) break; if (sec>=params.binds[i].bind_wait_ip) break; sleep(1); sec++; } if (!found) { DLOG_CONDUP("suitable ip address not found\n"); goto exiterr; } list[i].bind_wait_ip_left = params.binds[i].bind_wait_ip - sec; list[i].ipv6_only=1; } else { list[i].salisten.ss_family = AF_INET6; // leave sin6_addr zero } } if (list[i].salisten.ss_family == AF_INET6) { list[i].salisten_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6); ((struct sockaddr_in6*)(&list[i].salisten))->sin6_port = htons(params.port); if (is_linklocal((struct sockaddr_in6*)(&list[i].salisten))) ((struct sockaddr_in6*)(&list[i].salisten))->sin6_scope_id = if_index; } else { list[i].salisten_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); ((struct sockaddr_in*)(&list[i].salisten))->sin_port = htons(params.port); } } if (params.bind_wait_only) { DLOG_CONDUP("bind wait condition satisfied\n"); exit_v = 0; goto exiterr; } if (params.proxy_type==CONN_TYPE_TRANSPARENT && !redir_init()) { DLOG_ERR("could not initialize redirector !!!\n"); goto exiterr; } for(i=0;i<=params.binds_last;i++) { if (params.debug) { ntop46_port((struct sockaddr *)&list[i].salisten, ip_port, sizeof(ip_port)); VPRINT("Binding %d to %s\n",i,ip_port); } if ((listen_fd[i] = socket(list[i].salisten.ss_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1) { DLOG_PERROR("socket"); goto exiterr; } #ifndef __OpenBSD__ // in OpenBSD always IPV6_ONLY for wildcard sockets if ((list[i].salisten.ss_family == AF_INET6) && setsockopt(listen_fd[i], IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_V6ONLY, &list[i].ipv6_only, sizeof(int)) == -1) { DLOG_PERROR("setsockopt (IPV6_ONLY)"); goto exiterr; } #endif if (setsockopt(listen_fd[i], SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &yes, sizeof(yes)) == -1) { DLOG_PERROR("setsockopt (SO_REUSEADDR)"); goto exiterr; } //Mark that this socket can be used for transparent proxying //This allows the socket to accept connections for non-local IPs if (params.proxy_type==CONN_TYPE_TRANSPARENT) { #ifdef __linux__ if (setsockopt(listen_fd[i], SOL_IP, IP_TRANSPARENT, &yes, sizeof(yes)) == -1) { DLOG_PERROR("setsockopt (IP_TRANSPARENT)"); goto exiterr; } #elif defined(BSD) && defined(SO_BINDANY) if (setsockopt(listen_fd[i], SOL_SOCKET, SO_BINDANY, &yes, sizeof(yes)) == -1) { DLOG_PERROR("setsockopt (SO_BINDANY)"); goto exiterr; } #endif } if (!set_socket_buffers(listen_fd[i], params.local_rcvbuf, params.local_sndbuf)) goto exiterr; if (!params.local_rcvbuf) { // HACK : dont know why but if dont set RCVBUF explicitly RCVBUF of accept()-ed socket can be very large. may be linux bug ? int v; socklen_t sz=sizeof(int); if (!getsockopt(listen_fd[i],SOL_SOCKET,SO_RCVBUF,&v,&sz)) { v/=2; setsockopt(listen_fd[i],SOL_SOCKET,SO_RCVBUF,&v,sizeof(int)); } } bool bBindBug=false; for(;;) { if (bind(listen_fd[i], (struct sockaddr *)&list[i].salisten, list[i].salisten_len) == -1) { // in linux strange behaviour was observed // just after ifup and address assignment there's short window when bind() can't bind to addresses got from getifaddrs() // it does not happen to transparent sockets because they can bind to any non-existend ip // also only ipv6 seem to be buggy this way if (errno==EADDRNOTAVAIL && params.proxy_type!=CONN_TYPE_TRANSPARENT && list[i].bind_wait_ip_left) { if (!bBindBug) { ntop46_port((struct sockaddr *)&list[i].salisten, ip_port, sizeof(ip_port)); DLOG_CONDUP("address %s is not available. will retry for %d sec\n",ip_port,list[i].bind_wait_ip_left); bBindBug=true; } sleep(1); list[i].bind_wait_ip_left--; continue; } DLOG_PERROR("bind"); goto exiterr; } break; } if (listen(listen_fd[i], BACKLOG) == -1) { DLOG_PERROR("listen"); goto exiterr; } } set_ulimit(); sec_harden(); if (params.droproot && !droproot(params.uid,params.gid)) goto exiterr; print_id(); //splice() causes the process to receive the SIGPIPE-signal if one part (for //example a socket) is closed during splice(). I would rather have splice() //fail and return -1, so blocking SIGPIPE. if (block_sigpipe() == -1) { DLOG_ERR("Could not block SIGPIPE signal\n"); goto exiterr; } DLOG_CONDUP(params.proxy_type==CONN_TYPE_SOCKS ? "socks mode\n" : "transparent proxy mode\n"); if (!params.tamper) DLOG_CONDUP("TCP proxy mode (no tampering)\n"); signal(SIGHUP, onhup); signal(SIGUSR2, onusr2); retval = event_loop(listen_fd,params.binds_last+1); exit_v = retval < 0 ? EXIT_FAILURE : EXIT_SUCCESS; DLOG_CONDUP("Exiting\n"); exiterr: redir_close(); for(i=0;i<=params.binds_last;i++) if (listen_fd[i]!=-1) close(listen_fd[i]); cleanup_params(); return exit_v; }