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from collections import namedtuple
from typing import Type, Tuple
from django.db.models import QuerySet
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, redirect, render
from django.views.generic import View
from dcim.models import (Device, Interface, InterfaceTemplate, PowerPort, PowerPortTemplate, ConsolePort,
ConsolePortTemplate, ConsoleServerPort, ConsoleServerPortTemplate, DeviceBay,
DeviceBayTemplate, FrontPort, FrontPortTemplate, PowerOutlet, PowerOutletTemplate, RearPort,
from django.contrib.auth.mixins import PermissionRequiredMixin
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib import messages
from netbox.models import PrimaryModel
from dcim.constants import VIRTUAL_IFACE_TYPES
from . import comparison
from .utils import get_permissions_for_model, make_integer_list, human_sorted
config = settings.PLUGINS_CONFIG['netbox_interface_sync']
ComparisonTableRow = namedtuple('ComparisonTableRow', ('component_template', 'component'))
class GenericComparisonView(PermissionRequiredMixin, View):
Generic object comparison view
obj_model: Model of the object involved in the comparison (for example, Interface)
obj_template_model: Model of the object template involved in the comparison (for example, InterfaceTemplate)
obj_model: Type[PrimaryModel] = None
obj_template_model: Type[PrimaryModel] = None
def get_permission_required(self):
# User must have permission to view the device whose components are being compared
permissions = ["dcim.view_device"]
# Resolve permissions related to the object and the object template
permissions.extend(get_permissions_for_model(self.obj_model, ("view", "add", "change", "delete")))
permissions.extend(get_permissions_for_model(self.obj_template_model, ("view",)))
return permissions
def filter_comparison_components(component_templates: QuerySet, components: QuerySet) -> Tuple[QuerySet, QuerySet]:
"""Override this in the inherited View to implement special comparison objects filtering logic"""
return component_templates, components
def _fetch_comparison_objects(self, device_id: int):
self.device = get_object_or_404(Device, id=device_id)
component_templates = self.obj_template_model.objects.filter(device_type_id=self.device.device_type.id)
components = self.obj_model.objects.filter(device_id=device_id)
self.component_templates, self.components = self.filter_comparison_components(component_templates, components)
self.comparison_component_templates = [comparison.from_netbox_object(obj) for obj in self.component_templates]
self.comparison_components = [comparison.from_netbox_object(obj) for obj in self.components]
name_comparison_config = config['name_comparison']
def name_key(obj_name: str) -> str:
name = obj_name
if name_comparison_config.get('case-insensitive'):
name = name.lower()
if name_comparison_config.get('space-insensitive'):
name = name.replace(' ', '')
return name
component_templates_dict = {name_key(obj.name): obj for obj in self.comparison_component_templates}
components_dict = {name_key(obj.name): obj for obj in self.comparison_components}
self.comparison_table = tuple(
for component_name in human_sorted(set().union(component_templates_dict.keys(), components_dict.keys()))
def get(self, request, device_id):
return render(request, "netbox_interface_sync/components_comparison.html", {
"component_type_name": self.obj_model._meta.verbose_name_plural,
"comparison_items": self.comparison_table,
"templates_count": len(self.comparison_component_templates),
"components_count": len(self.comparison_components),
"device": self.device,
def post(self, request, device_id):
components_to_add = make_integer_list(request.POST.getlist("add"))
components_to_delete = make_integer_list(request.POST.getlist("remove"))
components_to_sync = make_integer_list(request.POST.getlist("sync"))
if not any((components_to_add, components_to_delete, components_to_sync)):
messages.warning(request, "No actions selected")
return redirect(request.path)
component_ids_to_delete = []
components_to_bulk_create = []
synced_count = 0
for template, component in self.comparison_table:
if template and (template.id in components_to_add):
# Add component to the device from the template
self.obj_model(device=self.device, **template.get_fields_for_netbox_component())
elif component and (component.id in components_to_delete):
# Delete component from the device
elif (template and component) and (component.id in components_to_sync):
# Update component attributes from the template
synced_count += self.components.filter(id=component.id).update(
deleted_count = self.obj_model.objects.filter(id__in=component_ids_to_delete).delete()[0]
created_count = len(self.obj_model.objects.bulk_create(components_to_bulk_create))
# Generating result message
component_type_name = self.obj_model._meta.verbose_name_plural
message = []
if synced_count > 0:
message.append(f"synced {synced_count} {component_type_name}")
if created_count > 0:
message.append(f"created {created_count} {component_type_name}")
if deleted_count > 0:
message.append(f"deleted {deleted_count} {component_type_name}")
messages.success(request, "; ".join(message).capitalize())
return redirect(request.path)
class ConsolePortComparisonView(GenericComparisonView):
"""Comparison of console ports between a device and a device type and beautiful visualization"""
obj_model = ConsolePort
obj_template_model = ConsolePortTemplate
class ConsoleServerPortComparisonView(GenericComparisonView):
"""Comparison of console server ports between a device and a device type and beautiful visualization"""
obj_model = ConsoleServerPort
obj_template_model = ConsoleServerPortTemplate
class InterfaceComparisonView(GenericComparisonView):
"""Comparison of interfaces between a device and a device type and beautiful visualization"""
obj_model = Interface
obj_template_model = InterfaceTemplate
def filter_comparison_components(component_templates: QuerySet, components: QuerySet) -> Tuple[QuerySet, QuerySet]:
if config["exclude_virtual_interfaces"]:
components = components.exclude(type__in=VIRTUAL_IFACE_TYPES)
component_templates = component_templates.exclude(type__in=VIRTUAL_IFACE_TYPES)
return component_templates, components
class PowerPortComparisonView(GenericComparisonView):
"""Comparison of power ports between a device and a device type and beautiful visualization"""
obj_model = PowerPort
obj_template_model = PowerPortTemplate
class PowerOutletComparisonView(GenericComparisonView):
"""Comparison of power outlets between a device and a device type and beautiful visualization"""
obj_model = PowerOutlet
obj_template_model = PowerOutletTemplate
def post(self, request, device_id):
device = get_object_or_404(Device.objects.filter(id=device_id))
poweroutlets = device.poweroutlets.all()
poweroutlets_templates = PowerOutletTemplate.objects.filter(device_type=device.device_type)
# Generating result message
message = []
created = 0
updated = 0
fixed = 0
remove_from_device = filter(
lambda i: i in poweroutlets.values_list("id", flat=True),
map(int, filter(lambda x: x.isdigit(), request.POST.getlist("remove")))
# Remove selected power outlets from the device and count them
deleted = PowerOutlet.objects.filter(id__in=remove_from_device).delete()[0]
# Get device power ports to check dependency between power outlets
device_pp = PowerPort.objects.filter(device_id=device.id)
matching = {}
mismatch = False
for i in poweroutlets_templates:
found = False
if i.power_port_id is not None:
ppt = PowerPortTemplate.objects.get(id=i.power_port_id)
for pp in device_pp:
if pp.name == ppt.name:
# Save matching to add the correct power port later
matching[i.id] = pp.id
found = True
# If at least one power port is not found in device there is a dependency
# Better not to sync at all
if not found:
mismatch = True
if not mismatch:
add_to_device = filter(
lambda i: i in poweroutlets_templates.values_list("id", flat=True),
map(int, filter(lambda x: x.isdigit(), request.POST.getlist("add")))
# Add selected component to the device and count them
add_to_device_component = PowerOutletTemplate.objects.filter(id__in=add_to_device)
bulk_create = []
updated = 0
keys_to_avoid = ["id"]
if not config["compare_description"]:
for i in add_to_device_component.values():
to_create = False
# If power outlets already exists, update and do not recreate
po = device.poweroutlets.get(name=i["name"])
except PowerOutlet.DoesNotExist:
po = PowerOutlet()
po.device = device
to_create = True
# Copy all fields from template
for k in i.keys():
if k not in keys_to_avoid:
setattr(po, k, i[k])
po.power_port_id = matching.get(i["id"], None)
if to_create:
updated += 1
created = len(PowerOutlet.objects.bulk_create(bulk_create))
# Getting and validating a list of components to rename
fix_name_components = filter(lambda i: str(i.id) in request.POST.getlist("fix_name"), poweroutlets)
# Casting component templates into Unified objects for proper comparison with component for renaming
unified_component_templates = [
PowerOutletComparison(i.id, i.name, i.label, i.description, i.type, i.get_type_display(),
if i.power_port_id is not None else "",
feed_leg=i.feed_leg, is_template=True)
for i in poweroutlets_templates]
# Rename selected power outlets
fixed = 0
for component in fix_name_components:
unified_poweroutlet = PowerOutletComparison(
component.id, component.name, component.label, component.description, component.type,
if component.power_port_id is not None else "",
# Try to extract a component template with the corresponding name
corresponding_template = unified_component_templates[
component.name = corresponding_template.name
fixed += 1
except ValueError:
messages.error(request, "Dependency detected, sync power ports first!")
if created > 0:
message.append(f"created {created} power outlets")
if updated > 0:
message.append(f"updated {updated} power outlets")
if deleted > 0:
message.append(f"deleted {deleted} power outlets")
if fixed > 0:
message.append(f"fixed {fixed} power outlets")
messages.info(request, "; ".join(message).capitalize())
return redirect(request.path)
class RearPortComparisonView(GenericComparisonView):
"""Comparison of rear ports between a device and a device type and beautiful visualization"""
obj_model = RearPort
obj_template_model = RearPortTemplate
class DeviceBayComparisonView(GenericComparisonView):
"""Comparison of device bays between a device and a device type and beautiful visualization"""
obj_model = DeviceBay
obj_template_model = DeviceBayTemplate
# class FrontPortComparisonView(LoginRequiredMixin, PermissionRequiredMixin, View):
# """Comparison of front ports between a device and a device type and beautiful visualization"""
# permission_required = get_permissions_for_object("dcim", "frontport")
# def get(self, request, device_id):
# device = get_object_or_404(Device.objects.filter(id=device_id))
# frontports = device.frontports.all()
# frontports_templates = FrontPortTemplate.objects.filter(device_type=device.device_type)
# unified_frontports = [
# FrontPortComparison(
# i.id, i.name, i.label, i.description, i.type, i.get_type_display(), i.color, i.rear_port_position)
# for i in frontports]
# unified_frontports_templates = [
# FrontPortComparison(
# i.id, i.name, i.label, i.description, i.type, i.get_type_display(), i.color,
# i.rear_port_position, is_template=True)
# for i in frontports_templates]
# return get_components(request, device, frontports, unified_frontports, unified_frontports_templates)
# def post(self, request, device_id):
# form = ComponentComparisonForm(request.POST)
# if form.is_valid():
# device = get_object_or_404(Device.objects.filter(id=device_id))
# frontports = device.frontports.all()
# frontports_templates = FrontPortTemplate.objects.filter(device_type=device.device_type)
# # Generating result message
# message = []
# created = 0
# updated = 0
# fixed = 0
# remove_from_device = filter(
# lambda i: i in frontports.values_list("id", flat=True),
# map(int, filter(lambda x: x.isdigit(), request.POST.getlist("remove_from_device")))
# )
# # Remove selected front ports from the device and count them
# deleted = FrontPort.objects.filter(id__in=remove_from_device).delete()[0]
# # Get device rear ports to check dependency between front ports
# device_rp = RearPort.objects.filter(device_id=device.id)
# matching = {}
# mismatch = False
# for i in frontports_templates:
# found = False
# if i.rear_port_id is not None:
# rpt = RearPortTemplate.objects.get(id=i.rear_port_id)
# for rp in device_rp:
# if rp.name == rpt.name:
# # Save matching to add the correct rear port later
# matching[i.id] = rp.id
# found = True
# # If at least one rear port is not found in device there is a dependency
# # Better not to sync at all
# if not found:
# mismatch = True
# break
# if not mismatch:
# add_to_device = filter(
# lambda i: i in frontports_templates.values_list("id", flat=True),
# map(int, filter(lambda x: x.isdigit(), request.POST.getlist("add_to_device")))
# )
# # Add selected component to the device and count them
# add_to_device_component = FrontPortTemplate.objects.filter(id__in=add_to_device)
# bulk_create = []
# updated = 0
# keys_to_avoid = ["id"]
# if not config["compare_description"]:
# keys_to_avoid.append("description")
# for i in add_to_device_component.values():
# to_create = False
# try:
# # If front port already exists, update and do not recreate
# fp = device.frontports.get(name=i["name"])
# except FrontPort.DoesNotExist:
# fp = FrontPort()
# fp.device = device
# to_create = True
# # Copy all fields from template
# for k in i.keys():
# if k not in keys_to_avoid:
# setattr(fp, k, i[k])
# fp.rear_port_id = matching.get(i["id"], None)
# if to_create:
# bulk_create.append(fp)
# else:
# fp.save()
# updated += 1
# created = len(FrontPort.objects.bulk_create(bulk_create))
# # Getting and validating a list of components to rename
# fix_name_components = filter(lambda i: str(i.id) in request.POST.getlist("fix_name"), frontports)
# # Casting component templates into Unified objects for proper comparison with component for renaming
# unified_frontports_templates = [
# FrontPortComparison(
# i.id, i.name, i.label, i.description, i.type, i.get_type_display(),
# i.color, i.rear_port_position, is_template=True)
# for i in frontports_templates]
# # Rename selected front ports
# fixed = 0
# for component in fix_name_components:
# unified_frontport = FrontPortComparison(
# component.id, component.name, component.label, component.description, component.type,
# component.get_type_display(), component.color, component.rear_port_position
# )
# try:
# # Try to extract a component template with the corresponding name
# corresponding_template = unified_frontports_templates[
# unified_frontports_templates.index(unified_frontport)
# ]
# component.name = corresponding_template.name
# component.save()
# fixed += 1
# except ValueError:
# pass
# else:
# messages.error(request, "Dependency detected, sync rear ports first!")
# if created > 0:
# message.append(f"created {created} front ports")
# if updated > 0:
# message.append(f"updated {updated} front ports")
# if deleted > 0:
# message.append(f"deleted {deleted} front ports")
# if fixed > 0:
# message.append(f"fixed {fixed} front ports")
# messages.info(request, "; ".join(message).capitalize())
# return redirect(request.path)